Sound Off: Can’t We Just Let People Enjoy Things?
From Pokémon Go to pumpkin spice lattes, everyone seems really damn anxious to point out when and why they're too good or grown up to take part in a fad. And to that, I say let people enjoy the things that make them happy, because life is too short and the world is too sh**ty to get caught up in petty bull like this.
Read MoreTurns Out Lazy People Are Smarter than Active People
You can stop beating yourself up for being a lazy daydreamer. Some recent research suggests that lazy people are actually smarter than people who always seek out physical activity, because smart people don’t get bored as easily and can entertain themselves by thinking instead of doing.
Read MoreThe Feminism of: Serena Williams, Tennis Superstar
Athlete, fashionista, businesswoman, and role model, Serena Williams is a feminist icon. She embodies authentic, innate feminism with confidence, physical and mental strength, and indomitable spirit.
Read MorePeople More Prejudiced Against Mixed-Weight Couples
We all know people who have a lot of opinions when it comes to other people’s relationships, although why they feel the need to voice them -- or think that the couples in question even care, really -- is hard to say.
Read MoreAn Easy Way to Back Up Co-Workers in the Boardroom
In an age riddled with mansplaining and manterruptions, women in the White House have discovered an easy way to back each other up in the boardroom.
Read MoreHow Parenting “Wisdom” Demonizes Poor Parents
I don't know when we reached the point when people became obsessed with parenting, the who's-doing-what-and-how of it all, but we, as a society, probably need to pump our brakes.
Read MoreBark for food, battle bears, and use vodka as a weapon, in ‘Russian Subway Dogs’
Every so often an indie release comes along that isn’t like anything else we’ve seen. Russian Subway Dogs is one such example. This upcoming indie release from developer Spooky Squid Games features a unique “storyline” paired with some interesting gameplay elements. It’s important to note that this style of gameplay isn’t anything revolutionary, and we’ve […]
Read MoreSurvive a 3D ASCII-based dungeon-crawler in the roguelike ‘Brut@l’
The 1980s were a magical time that blessed the world with a lot of fantastic creations. We saw the birth of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, the creation of Super Mario Bros., and a slew of other amazing products like Reebok Pumps, Hi-C Ecto Cooler juice drinks, and the Pogo Ball. What you may not […]
Read MoreOn Bringing the Hollaback! Project to The Bahamas
An eight-year-old in a white shirt with a Peter Pan collar and a green plaid jumper, I didn’t know what to do the first time I saw a man my parents’ age ogling me.
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